• Sustainable living and working: so your money works fairly too.

Sustainable investment that benefits everyone

More than 200 million people around the world are currently out of work. The unemployed often have no source of income and are barely able to cover their basic needs. Two factors, work and sustainable economic growth, play a major role in fighting poverty and building a better future for our society.

Sustainability also means fairness

Good jobs must be created without harming the environment or human dignity. In other words, sustainability isn’t only about ecological criteria, it's also about creating humane living conditions.

Your investment in sustainable living, as well as socially just working conditions, can have a major impact. Reducing youth unemployment, promoting equal opportunity at work and enabling decent working conditions – you can make a real difference. Play your part by investing in sustainable living and working.

More opportunities for fair working conditions and your portfolio

Yes, our economy has to grow – but not at any price. Now is the time to invest in the field of ‘sustainable living and working’. Your investment will ensure the world becomes a little fairer – with better working conditions, for instance. But you can also help speed up development of technological innovations which make the global economy more efficient – without destroying resources or exploiting workers.

You will not just be helping to make the global economy sustainable in the long term, you can also generate returns with your investment. Because fairness counts here as well.

What criteria does wiLLBe Invest consider when it comes to investments?

‘Green’ and ‘social’ are keywords that many investment strategies in the financial sector use to attract attention. We know that sustainability is a complex issue. But what’s behind it all? And how can we verify the role that sustainability plays in a company?

Companies that are committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8, 9 and 11 sustainably improve the lives of many people. These companies fight poverty by creating jobs (SDG 8), by building resilient infrastructure (SDG 9) or by building resistant and sustainable cities and settlements (SDG 11).

For example, LLB’s investment experts select companies that are

  • engaged in developing affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems,
  • improving scientific research, increasing technological capabilities in industrial sectors in all countries,
  • investing in modernisation and maximising economic productivity.

Invest in robots, insurance companies and think tanks

Focusing solely on returns is a thing of the past. The investors of today want to change the world. This trend goes by many names – ‘impact investing’, ‘responsible investment’ or ‘sustainable investing’.

Investors want to take responsibility and use the opportunity to invest their money more sustainably. They seek out stocks, funds or ETFs that not only generate returns but also make a major impact. We use algorithms and our investment experts’ knowledge to help you invest in future-oriented companies, such as:

  • Chr. Hansen Holding*
  • Etsy Inc.*
  • Stantec Inc.*

*Legal notice

You can find more information on these companies on the wiLLBe app, where you can invest in sustainable living and working with as little as EUR / CHF 200. Help make the world a fairer place!

Get to know the other 6 investment topics

Sustainable living and working is not the only topic you can invest in. Learn more about our other 6 topics and invest where you see fit. All topics are based on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Clean water

Invest in clean water to create hygienic conditions for people and the environment.

Find out more

Climate and environmental protection

Help fight climate change by investing in climate and environmental protection.

Find out more

Clean energy

The world needs more renewable energy! But that requires more research and innovation.

Find out more

Sustainable use of resources

Natural resources are limited but the circular economy offers opportunities.

Find out more

Healthcare and medicine

Invest in medical research and healthcare for both people and animals.

Find out more

Education and equal opportunity

Help further equal opportunity and invest in education for all.

Find out more
Time to invest sustainably.
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